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Being human

by Devaki Sokaris

An unconventional view


It’s not generally the innate nature of humans to harm others. Being human is someone who lives by their own human conscience and does not intentionally inflict harm onto others.

Hello, my name is Devaki pronounced Deeva-key. I have always known I was different and have spent my whole life feeling like I was dropped off on the wrong planet. Being diagnosed as autistic at 64 years old in 2022 made my whole life make sense and helped me better understand myself and why I see the world the way I do.

This website is about helping us all understand ourselves and our place in the world, so we can all live a meaningful life. Life is all about what we came to learn, experience, and understand. It is not the details of how we have gone about something that is important, but rather what our choices and attitudes were while making those decisions.

I want to see a world that is ruled by compassion and one that does not enable those who intentionally create suffering and harm to others. My intent is not for you to take on my beliefs, but rather for you to keep an open mind for a moment, as it may help you see another perspective.

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