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Mindfulness symbol in violet

Being human

Being you

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Subsites are a collection of categories and articles with a home page and their own navigation.

MainCartoon effect picture of DevakiCategories: 0   Articles: 0   △
It’s not generally the innate nature of humans to harm others. Being human is someone who lives by their own human conscience and does not intentionally inflict harm onto others.
AutismBrain image with gradient blue, lavender backgroundCategories: 1   Articles: 32   △
Society dictates the illusion we must be chasing life to thrive, so how can autistic people thrive in a world that projects unrealistic expectations of humanity.
Being youHuman symbol, purple with white backgroundCategories: 3   Articles: 31   △
Being you is a journey of presence, and one that gains awareness of who we are and who we are becoming.
MusicDevaki seated with one hand on guitar and the other on the chin, wearing round metal framed glassesCategories: 3   Articles: 40   △
The right music can awaken our hearts, enable healing and help us feel the essence of who we really are.
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