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Being human

Being you

Souls journey


The souls journey is to seek perfection, thus it is improving itself, so it can serve its higher self which is spirit. We are part of a higher consciousness that returns to the oneness of source.

The soul is learning from the personality so it can make better personalities for it to work with when we are reincarnate, thus the personality is an expression of the soul. Soul awareness is the doorway to reality as many things seen through the lens of the personality are not real. Approaching the path with flexibility and embracing the journey allows us to discover how we are evolving. To understand our true selves, we must live beyond the limitations of the personality and embrace the essence of our higher selves.


The core of our being is the soul and the essence of who we really are.

The personality is serving the soul and the soul is serving its higher self which is spirit. Its goal is to improve itself over many lifetimes as it learns to make better personalities for it to work with. The soul carries with it many memories of many lives and the lessons that have been learned. For out protection we don’t remember much about our past lives. However, we may remember significant things from another life if they are relevant to what we are learning in the present life.

Some people have trouble connecting with their inner wisdom because there many things clouding their perspective of who they think they are. One of the issues people face when wanting to discover their spiritual selves, is they don’t understand what this means for their growth. As far as the soul is concerned when we ask to align with it, we are asking to evolve more quickly.

Inner work and meditation will help over time, and as that happens the inner mentor will start to be heard more clearly. The soul never gives up trying to steer us in the right direction. It sends messages in the form of symbols, signs, dreams, opportunities, and challenges to help us grow.

Life agenda

It can be hard for many to sense their soul’s essence because life doesn’t always feel spiritual.

Our soul has an agenda for us and will provide us with lessons and challenges that steer us where it wants for that reason. The soul isn’t interested in the difficulty we may be feeling as its focus is on helping us evolve towards our best self.

Purpose in life does not always bring happiness and success in the way we feel it should. The soul is happy when we are fulfilling its purpose, but on the other hand, one’s personality may be disappointed, having its own expectations. When we align with our higher selves, we bridge the gap between the inner and outer reality and feel more contentment in knowing we are following the path that helps us live the life we came here to live.

Bucket list

We have all heard of a personal bucket list where we make a list of things we may want to do in a lifetime before we die but are these really about life purpose.

Our soul might want us to face our fears, however doing a bungee jump might give one a thrill, but it isn’t transformational and may just be a distraction from what is needed. It’s not to say that a personal bucket may not have things on it that are meaningful, but many are usually to a lesser value.

Our soul has an agenda for us to reach so it will provide us with lessons and challenges that steer us you where it wants for that reason. Things don’t always go to plan as we have free will to decide what we do thus, we may resist the challenges and opportunities that are presented to us, leaving the soul to keep finding ways for us to understand so it will continue to bring other ways for to cooperate.


Awakening to the true self is the doorway to reality thus we must live beyond the limitations of the mind and embrace the language of our hearts.

The door to our hearts must be open to connect with the soul. The heart experiences awareness through surrender and trust in the universal consciousness. Most people are not brought up to understand anything much deeper than their personalities. The wisdom of the soul is not felt or understood with an analytical mind. When we connect with the soul, it is not through an intellectual mind, because the soul is beyond the mind. There is no intellect or analysing that will connect us to the inner wisdom.

The soul’s inner wisdom is immediate and not separated. It is a sanctuary of silence where we become one with all. We start to view everything differently with deeper meaning and begin to see things as they are rather than how we are. As the soul starts to permeate our thoughts feelings and actions more in daily life, we become more of what the soul wants for us to become our true selves.

The soul has much wisdom and insight to share with us. It is whispering many things through meditation, symbols, metaphors, archetypes, and deep feelings within the heart. One can also receive profound messages and visions during meditation. Soul consciousness allows one’s intuition to become more accurate, as higher intuition is the only true intuition. Higher intuition teaches you how to serve your higher self, the earth and humanity. Meditation is important in bridging the gap between the lower and higher self.

Soul consciousness allows one’s intuition to become more accurate, as higher intuition is the only true intuition. Higher intuition teaches you how to serve your higher self, the earth and humanity. Meditation is important in bridging the gap between the lower and higher self.

The soul can't be experienced from the mind. It speaks to us in a language word can't explain or express. When we are there, we are one with our true selves. The soul can't be experienced from the mind. It speaks to us in a language word can't explain. Awakening to the soul allows us to discover who we are and what we are truly capable of. Many do not know who they are because they are looking at things from the personality’s perspective. Through aligning with the soul, we bridge the gap so more of the soul’s presence may pave the way in our lives.

Many are leading busy lives fulfilling their personality needs, rather than being more concerned with what their higher self wants for them. Awakening puts into perspective the importance of the spiritual self. Awakening allows the soul to express itself in the physical, as the personality has a way of trying to undermine its spiritual self for its survival. During this process there will be much self-evaluating, and re defining beliefs as the real self is revealed.

One of the lessons we are faced with when awakening is how others react to who we have become and how we see the world. Some will walk away from our lives because of the changes in us, and w will also want to part company with others in our lives that may be toxic to our lives. Awakening to the soul is the path to self-realisation and we are all in different places of awareness there.


Self-realisation is the soul’s goal. It is a path of right action and letting go of what separates us from experiencing our true selves.

The personal growth industry talks about self-realisation as fulfilling our potential in life, which is more about workshops, seminars, self-obsession and goals rather than self-realisation. Self-realisation means to know the true self and the realisation of being one with all. The truth is revealed within us and not through external processes, thus the truth is not real unless it has been realised within. We cannot learn it from reading books or going to workshops, it only comes with experience. To know ourselves, we must shift our awareness from the personality self to the higher self.

The core of our essence is the soul, and most suffering is created from the mind and its attachment to the past and future. The mind wants to believe this as the personality is attached to its illusion of survival. Walking the way of the heart connects us to soul. It is not the details of how we have gone about something that is important, but rather what our choices and attitudes were while making those decisions.

Many torment themselves by dwelling in the past for an identity that is not real. We experience the real self in the stillness. Mental thought forms distort reality and are one of the greatest obstacles on the path of knowing who we are. Constant mind chatter and noise separates us from experiencing the real self.

Many want purpose, peace, contentment, and love, yet they are living a life immersed in greed and selfishness, thus blocked from receiving the love of their soul. Love is a state of consciousness, thus it is not tied to anything outside the self, so if we want love, peace, contentment, and happiness, it is only found deep within the heart.

Freedom is obtained when we no longer believe the past has given us an identity or a guarantee that the future will save us. Until we abandon the hold these have on our reality, there will always be self-imposed suffering. To live in the now means to focus on actions in the present. We then know who we are and there is no focus on the future providing happiness and success.

This allows not obsessed with chasing life goals and unreal ambitions, with the need to become something important to ourselves and others. We live in the awareness of what our souls wants for us. Inner peace is found in the stillness, and within that inner stillness we begin to become present with and more one with all.


We are not brought up to open to our inner wisdom, but rather to analyse our life path with our personalities.

There is a lot of unreal talk about the soul and how it speaks to us. Communicating with the soul is not a direct line of conversation. Those who believe they are communicating with the soul like this are likely to be communicating with the glamours of their personality telling them what they want to hear.

The soul speaks to us in a language word cannot express, as it has its own unique language. We do not dial direct to the soul and get a to do list of things the soul wants from us or a list of answers to our questions. The soul is an energy thus it does not speak to us in everyday language, because human language is too limiting to share the soul’s wisdom.

The soul is communicating much of the time and puts things in front of us. The soul communicates through things like symbols, archetypes, dreams, and metaphors. It could also be that sudden inspiration we have to do something, and those things we pass off as coincidences are often the soul showing the way. We may also get flashes of inner knowing, or things that hit us at the physical level bringing things to our attention.

When the personality receives these messages from the soul it will do its best to interpret and make sense of it. Some will get lost in translation or will be misinterpreted, so we need to learn to see and feel more for understanding. Usually, we will often discover more as the journey evolves in the decisions and choices we make thereafter. To hear the soul, we must provide an open channel though the heart for the soul to permeate our thoughts and feelings. Of course, the soul does still gets through even with resistance, but much of what we could receive will not get through.

Dharma and money

Focusing on career and money as the sole purpose of life is a false identity. Delaying other purpose in life stops people getting their house in order effectively or consistently.

Putting career and money above all else as the driving force to purpose comes from the personality and the belief, we must do this to put our house in order, so we can potentially do all the other things that are needed to grow in life.

This behaviour stops people getting where they are going because it is undermining purpose in life. It is driven by the personality, so they never know when to stop. It is never going to be enough money, or it will be another goal, another step etc which are all delay tactics. Thy will justify it by telling themselves, when I reach the next milestone, I will focus on the broader aspect of my purpose in life.

We may get moments where we have gone under and then had a break for a while only to suffer hardship again. If it gets undermined consistently the lessons get harder. We always get a chance not to do it kicking and screaming. However, if we consistently ignore it and go back to the previous behaviour of pushing for what we want, there will often be unfavourable consequences that put us in worse situations.

Our souls want us to discover who we are, so money will not bring harmony or happiness in all areas of one’s life. Money is an instrument that helps us live and experience life. The growth we obtain from the experience’s money brings can be in balance with a person’s highest good.

If our actions with money are in accordance with right livelihood and with the intent to do no harm, this is what the money will become, so how we choose to use money will result in the energy it carries for us. Money is not good or bad thus if we use it in a way that enhances our life for our highest and the lives of others, then it becomes in alignment with what is good.

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