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Devaki pondering [transparent edges]

Being human

Revealing autism

Category: Autisitc identity


We live in world that where identity has become important to people so how do autistic people understand themselves in a world that does not accept them.

Autism and identity
We live in a world that was made for extroverted allistic people, and for autistic people trying to fit into this world is exhausting.
Autism levels
Autistic people do not state their level of autism because they have been told its wrong. What's wrong is telling someone how they should identify.
Autism, gender identity and sexuality
It is not unusual when discovering we are autistic that we also understand more about our gender identity and sexuality. It just seems to open the door to put some other things into perspective.
Autism, religion, and spirituality
Many autistic people reject organized religion, but I don’t think we can say that is necessarily to do with being autistic as many non-autistic people reject organized religion as well.
Changing heart and minds
We often hear from autistic people that the world wasn’t made for us. world was made to include and except all neurotypes.
Finding autism
We should not tell other people we think they are autistic. It is not our place to disrupt another person’s journey in life by telling them they are autistic or anything else for that matter.
Knowing ourselves
No one knows us better than we do is true but not entirely. Other people are mirroring back to us things we may reject because we are not ready to see them.
Single words don't bring about acceptance, nor does hiding behind words like neurodivergent in the illusion it changes ableism and stigma because it doesn't.
Late autistic diagnosis
We mask because of society’s unacceptance of our differences so it’s a vicious circle but I can’t help wondering how much we may have contributed to these labels by our own behaviour.
Understanding ourselves
I'm different than autistic people I've spoken to and I have come to understand why.
Us and them
We are all citizens of the world sharing this planet thus the world was made for everybody, but selfishness and greed has changed that.
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