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Being human

Being you

Category: Ponder on it


Sometimes we need to get real with ourselves and the world around us.

As we age, we will be presented with limitations that affect the way we get on with being here and living our life.
Introverts and free spirits
We live in a world that is made for extroverts. Society tells us we must be social animals and project ourselves as such on social media with this look at me culture mentality.
Minimalism is about uncluttering our minds, surroundings and emotions. It enables us too simplify life and brings less suffering to the earth and humanity.
People with diverse beliefs
Can we really get long with people we don’t share the same values, spiritual or religion?
If the art of writing is open to others to share their thoughts and insight’s, it gives others a voice to pull out something from their hat they may not have even known was there.
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