Category: Self-discovery
These articles discuss the path of self-discovery and ways to gain self-awareness and improve ourselves.
- Self-discovery
- Self discovery is a journey of intentional presence with life and one that helps us gain self awareness and understand our true selves.
- A contemplative life
- A contemplative life is an inner journey with the intent to live in the presence of now. When we find that moment of silence, we experience the solitude of contemplation.
- Awakening potential
- Before we can reach our potential, we have to know what emotional and thought patterns are driving the decisions we make every day.
- Being real
- Being our true selves is what we all came here to do.
- Compassion and empathy
- Empathy and compassion tend to go hand in hand, but we can have compassion without feeling empathy. Lack of empathy does not necessarily equal they don’t care about people.
- Introverts and free spirits
- We live in a world that is made for extroverts. Society tells us we must be social animals and project ourselves as such on social media with this look at me culture mentality.
- Intuition
- When we learn to listen to our inner voice we make better life path choices that are right for us. This article talks about what intuition is and how it helps us connect to inner wisdom.
- Leaps of faith
- We will need to take many leaps in life if we want to evolve. It’s the soul’s way of giving you a little nudge in the right direction when you need it and if you don’t listen that nudge becomes a shove or two until you pay attention.
- Life purpose
- There is no one sole purpose to life purpose. Purpose in life are many purposes, its all about discovery.
- Mindset is not belief
- Mindset is not belief thus unless we challenge our beliefs, we cannot change anything for real.
- Peoples stories
- We all have our own unique path in life thus we have our own lessons and healing journey that cannot be learned from someone else’s story or experiences in life.
- Perception creates reality
- When a person’s perception is clouded, it limits them in seeing things from a broader perspective.
- Personal development
- Many seek personal development largely focuses on outer development, such as seminars run by self-development gurus. A lot of personal development peddled by self-improvement gurus is hype.
- Solitude
- Solitude connects us to our souls and steers us away from our personality needs so we can experience our true essence more easily.
- The purpose of suffering
- Desires for things and attachments to people are the cause of suffering because attachments are transitory, so loss will be inevitable.
- Values
- We need values so we can live our life being your real self. Knowing what our core values are provide a road map to live our lives and one that inspires us to be happy.