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Mindfulness symbol in violet

Being human

Heart centred music

4. Love is all there is

Don't let love pass you by.

You'll never walk alone
When you walk with your love
In the silence of the soul
Love is all there is…

Don't let love pass you by
Love is all there is…
Don't let love pass you by
Love is all there is…

You'll never walk alone
When you walk with your heart
Be not afraid to show love
Love is all there is…

Don't let love pass you by
Love is all there is…
Don't let love pass you by
Love is all there is…

You'll never walk alone
When you walk with your soul
Raise your arms and feel love
Love is all there is…

Don't let love pass you by
Love is all there is…
Don't let love pass you by
Love is all there is…

Love is all there is,
Love is all there is,
Love is all there is,
Love is all there is,
Love is all there is.

Listen to this song on your favourite streaming/download site, or on YouTube.

  • I believe in love
  • How do I love you
  • Still waters
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